Disclaimer:  Before participating in any nutrition program, consult with your doctor.  This information should in no way be construed as medical advice or replace the information and recommendations provided to you by your doctor. This information is for educational purposes only.  

If you find yourself wondering what it is you should be eating to maintain a healthy body, you’re not alone. Until 2010, I was on a daily regimen of cafe’ lattes, deli sandwich lunches and bowls of cereal or noodles for dinner. I wasn’t overweight so it didn’t really occur to me that the food I was eating wasn’t actually FUEL for my body.  Or, maybe you find yourself trying to drop those stubborn 15 pounds but nothing is working. You limit yourself to 1200 calories a day (sometimes LESS!) but nothing, nada, zip happens to your pant size. My experience as a nutrition coach has taught me that accountability counts for a LOT! Even I have to commit to a friend or my husband OUT LOUD if I want to do some sort of sugar fast or a cleaner than usual eating plan.  If I don’t, then cheats are a lot more likely to happen.  

With nutrition coaching, we will schedule an initial consultation whereby we discuss your current habits, dietary likes and dislikes and goals. Are you struggling with chronic pain, fatigue, inflammation or any other “weird” symptoms the doctors can’t figure out? We will discuss that too! From there, I will design a custom, thirty-day eating plan JUST for you. Whether it’s Paleo, Whole 30, Gluten Free/Dairy Free or AIP (autoimmune paleo protocol), the plan will not only contain specific breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks but will also outline all of the “do’s and don’ts” of following the particular lifestyle we determine will be best for your body. This way, you aren’t wondering what you can and cannot eat. Additionally, you will log your food into My Fitness Pal daily and then send me the end of day snap shot each evening. You will also use My Fitness Pal to log your mood, digestion, water, exercise and any symptoms you may be experiencing (good or bad). Then, once a week we will schedule a 20-30 minute call to discuss your progress, goals, challenges and any upcoming obstacles. Knowing that someone is going to see what it is you put in your mouth all day long goes a LONG way in helping to say NO to that office party donut!

Each of my nutrition coaching programs is 8 weeks long (1 initial consultation and 7 follow up calls) so the meal plan is used 2 times. In my experience, clients love the recipes so much that by month two they are ready to re-create the tasty meals they enjoyed in month one. If however, you want to spice things up, I offer additional meal plans.  




$650.00 ($81.00/week)

additional meal plan(s) $100.00


The Boring Details

The nutrition coaching plan cost is due up front; click below to purchase.  If for any reason you need to reschedule our weekly call, please provide 12 hours notice otherwise you may forfeit that session.  You are encouraged to submit your daily log via text each night.  If, however, you forget a day, I will not bug you for it.  Just understand that my ability to coach you will be more limited for that week.